Post by Dr. Jai MaharajPost by Dr. Jai MaharajPost by Dr. Jai MaharajPost by Dr. Jai MaharajL.A. Times: Hollywood's 'Legacy Movie Business Under Siege'
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Hollywood makes crappy movies.
Most are remakes/retreads.
No one wants to spend $15 for a movie ticket.
No one wants to spend $12 for a small coke and small
popcorn that cost the theater 75 cents to make.
No one wants to spend 20 minutes plus sitting through
commercials and promos before the movie even starts.
No one wants to watch a movie that is 80% CGI, has crappy
acting and no plot.
Posted by kaehurowing
End of forwarded post.
Of late, many big stars threatened to go on strike
indefinitely because Trump was elected.
Never dawned on them that most of the other several
hundred (thousand?) people in the credits depend on them
for paycheck-to-paycheck survival.
Some of those low-credits people might just realize that
a RED camera doesn't cost all that much after all...
Posted by ctdonath2
End of forwarded post.
2017 Total Lifetime Gross Receipts (To Date)
Posted by Nero Germanicus
End of forwarded post.
Forwarded post:
I have hundreds of Blu-rays and DVDs of movies and TV
shows, very few of which were made in recent years. I had
a 3-month free preview of several movie channels when I
switched to DISH Network and the start of thew year
(Starz, Showtime, Cinemax, et al); and I never saw
anything worth watching. The last full-length movie I
watched was The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, a type of
movie that today's movie industry could never pull off
(at best they'd do a flaccid remake). The manliness of
the John Wayne character would be impossible to achieve
amongst the current crop of Hollywood dandies. The only
channel I watch regularly is TCM. The next movie my wife
and I intend to go to is the TCM presentation of
Hitchcock's North by Northwest. Hollywood jumped the
shark decades ago.
Posted by Sans-Culotte
End of forwarded post.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti