Post by Dr. Jai MaharajPost by Dr. Jai MaharajWill Hollywood Writers Go on Strike? The Tricky Economics
of "Peak TV"
Hollywood Reporter,
March 21, 2017
Who watches network TV dramas or comedies anymore?
All the action is on Amazon and Netflix and the like
producing their own series ... plus lots of series
produced in the UK etc. Not to mention all the
documentaries available.
Posted by Lorianne
End of forwarded post.
Forwarded post:
Well, go ahead. Strike. The 200708 Writers Guild of
America strike was the last straw for me. I vowed to
never again be held up for entertainment extortion by
them or any other part of their industry.
Following that strike I built up a large library of DVDs
augmented by an older collection of VHS tapes and Laser
Discs. I diversified my television entertainment
reception to include basic satellite, local over the air
broadcast, and streaming video. Plus I maintain a massive
collection of CDs. For good measure I shifted to e-books
and resumed attendance at local play productions,
concerts, and use of the local public library and its
electronic extensions.
Basically, I am now immune to the writers or any other
part of the entertainment industry's extortion. They no
longer control my access to quality entertainment. I do.
The junk the entertainment industry has been shoving down
my throat for the last two decades is revolting. And I
have revolted!
Multiply me by millions and we are the entrainment
industry's worst nightmare. So strike. We don't care.
Posted by DakotaGator
End of forwarded post.
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti